Project overview

The Shoal Bay foreshore experiences severe coastal erosion following severe weather events and large swells. The aim of this project is to protect the foreshore erosion at Shoal Bay foreshore temporarily, using sand nourishment.

The design life of the nourishment is contingent on weather and is difficult to predict. In response to this, the Coastal Management Program (CMP) will continue to monitor sand movement in Shoal Bay and undertake nourishment on an annual basis or as required.

Works include:

  • Transportation of sand from borrowed site at the western end of Shoal Bay to the erosion area between the Beach Road turn off and the Government Road intersection.
  • Sand will be placed on the western side of Shoal Bay boat ramp.
  • Sand will be shaped into place with using a combination of posi-track loaders.
  • Installation of a beach access stair case.

How is the erosion being addressed?

Our Coastal Management Program includes actions to undertake assessments to determine if permanent coastal protection measures can be delivered, as outlined in the CMP for the Shoal Bay foreshore.

We know how important the Shoal Bay foreshore is to both locals and visitors.

Simon Plummer

Project Manager

Before works