Project overview

After inspection, the Victoria Parade pedestrian bridge has been removed. The removal of the bridge is consistent with the longer term vision of the Nelson Bay town centre as described in the Nelson Bay Public Domain Plan adopted in 2019.

Phase 1: Removal

The pedestrian bridge was removed on 27 April 2022.

Phase 2: Engineering Inspection

Both the bridge and support structure has been inspected and has been removed indefinitely.

Phase 3: Remediation

The works involve the removal of the remaining concrete supporting structure of the Victoria Parade pedestrian bridge and replacing it with a raised seating area. The primary work zone is located on the first level forecourt of the Nelson Towers complex.

Traffic controllers will manage the site during works and warning signs will be left in place to help ensure safety of all until the project is completed.

There will be some traffic disruption along Victoria Parade and Stockton Street during the works with temporary loss of parking on Victoria Parade and detours in place along Victoria Parade for west bound traffic only to ensure the necessary clearances from equipment.

The works schedule is also dependent on weather conditions.

Matt Schmarr

Project Manager