Project overview

The current stormwater drainage pipework in Victoria Parade is constrained and prone to drainage and flooding issues during times of significant rainfall which affects private properties and the road network.

This project will improve drainage in the area and reduce the risk of flooding along Victoria Parade. This project has also been identified in the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP). The SAMP is part of the suite of asset management documents that sets out the current and future Council assets so that appropriate services are effectively delivered to the community now and for future demand.

The improvements include:

  • A 900mm diameter diversion pipeline through Neil Carroll Park to allow water to escape from the catchment quicker and more efficiently
  • New stormwater inlet pits to improve stormwater capture
  • A series of bunds and storages to control surface flow
  • An emergency relief pit and a gross pollutant trap to improve the overall quality of the water leaving the catchment via the current discharge location.

The project is expected to take approximately 5 months to complete - subject to weather and ground conditions and any unexpected Aboriginal heritage finds.


  1. To reduce the frequency of flooding in Victoria Parade, a sub-arterial road and the main road connection between Nelson Bay to Shoal Bay and Fingal Bay
  2. To improve the management of overland flows through Neil Carroll Park
  3. To improve water quality leaving the catchment.

The new drainage works will intercept approximately 80% of the catchment area upstream of Victoria Parade. These drains will be capable of diverting storm events up to an approximate 5% AEP event away from the low-lying constrained drainage we have at the moment.

An Emergency Relief Pit along the foreshore adjacent to Victoria Parade will further reduce the risk and severity of flooding.

An Environmental Assessment (EA) has been undertaken in accordance with the relevant legislation for the project. The EA assesses the potential environmental impact of the project and details the protective mitigation measures for implementation prior to works commencing, whilst works are occurring onsite, once works are complete and during operation and maintenance.

The EA and associated attachments are available below:

Note: Attachment 4 – Due Diligence Report is not able to be published online however if you would like to access this document please contact Council’s Governance Team at and a mutually convenient time can be arranged for you to view the document at Council’s Administration Building.

Council has undertaken an environmental assessment for this project. A specialist environmental consultant was engaged to conduct a marine habitat survey and assessment for the proposed works. The field survey and assessment included significance tests for threatened species indicating that the construction and ongoing operation of the works are not likely to significantly impact the species or their habitats.

During construction, risks to the marine environment will be mitigated through the implementation of appropriate erosion and sediment controls. During operation, the inclusion of a Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) together with infiltration works, grass swales and rock scour protection will ensure adequate treatment of stormwater before discharge into the waterway, leading to positive impacts on water quality and benefiting the marine environment.

The Assessment concluded that the proposal (i.e. the works) “is deemed to have minimal adverse impacts and is likely to contribute positively to the sustainability and conservation of the Port Stephens marine environment.”

Yes, stormwater runs from drains to street gutters and then through an underground system of pipes that eventually flow into our waterways.

The Port Stephens – Great Lakes Marine Park is a very unique and important waterway. Water quality in the Marine Park is monitored on a regular basis.

The existing catchment currently contains no water quality treatment measures – this means that anything that gets washed into the stormwater network from the road or residential land makes its way into our waterways.

A key part of this project is the inclusion of a Gross Pollutant Trap. This trap will help reduce contaminants and improve the overall quality of the water entering our waterways.

A Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) is designed to intercept the flow of water and catch litter and debris. A GPT acts like a filter, retaining litter but allowing water to flow through. They are used to treat stormwater before it runs into the local waterway.

Plastic bags, plastic bottles, food containers and garden waste are generally the most common types of litter found in GPTs. The GPT is cleaned regularly to remove the rubbish and debris and keep water flowing through the stormwater system.

The GPT doesn't reduce the impact of pollutants entering our waterways. It’s best to stop them getting discharged in the first place. This is the reason Council are proposing the installation of the GPT in this catchment.

The GPTs treatment capability will mitigate the potential impact of stormwater on the environment by removing gross pollutants and sediments including litter, total suspended solids, phosphorous, nitrogen and hydrocarbons.

The Department of Primary Industries undertakes water quality monitoring as part of the Port Stephens Shellfish Program – this covers the entire estuary with over 100 sample sites.

Council may also undertakes water quality sampling following a known incident or where a potential risk is identified which may give rise to health or environmental concerns.

Council controls and maintains the Port Stephens stormwater system however, keeping pollution from our waterways is everyone’s responsibility.

Click here to learn more about how you can help reduce the impact of pollution on our waterways.

Due to long lead times being experienced for some materials, Council pre-ordered concrete pipes well in advance and they are already on site.

Yes, two trees will be removed including a Liquid Amber and a juvenile Eucalypt. No hollow bearing or koala feed trees will be removed.

An Aboriginal Heritage Information Management Systems search revealed no registered sites within the vicinity of the works which are occurring in a previously disturbed area.

A Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council representative will monitor works during the construction phase where deeper excavations are proposed.

In the event of an unexpected Aboriginal heritage find works would immediately cease and the 'Unexpected Finds Procedure' would be implemented.

The site is located on and adjacent to Shoal Bay Road, Victoria Parade, Magnus Street and Trafalgar Street. There may be some minor traffic impacts during construction of the works near these roads however these are expected to be minor and will be managed with an appropriate Traffic Guidance Scheme.

Council will inform residents and business prior to works commencing.