Project Description
As part of the Port Stephens Council (PSC) funded road rehabilitation program, road pavement and drainage improvements work on Lewis Drive, Medowie (Figure 1) will start early April, 2025.
Lewis Drive is a residential street in the Suburb of Medowie. It's had numerous pavement failures that have been repaired with heavy patches and many areas are under severe stress at the moment. The section for rehab has 3 intersections within the project area.
Aims and objectives
- To improve the condition of existing road asset and improve safety for all road users.
- To improve pavement/shoulder width (where possible)
- To improve road composition (road rehab)
- Maximize clear zone (where possible)
Work will commence in early April 2025. It's expected work will take 4-6 weeks to complete, weather permitting.
- Referring to Figure 1, majority of the work will be between Kirrang Drive and Summer Close.
- This section of road will be closed to general traffic.
- Driveway access adjacent to the work area will be maintained at all times.
- Work includes road pavement rehabilitation and table drain corrections. Existing drainage pipes could get realigned, however there will be no pipe material replacement.
- Work will be done during normal daylight construction hours, 7am to 5pm. No work outside these hours or weekends.
- Construction crews will have demountable buildings within grass vegetation on Summer Close, figure 1.
- Construction plant will be stored within the ‘construction work area’.
Traffic Impact
- During construction hours, motorists will be detoured around the construction work area unless resident driveway access is required.
- Local bus companies have been notified and systems will be in place to maintain normal services.
Outside of construction hours no work will be will be undertaken. Road closure will be in place 24/7 until work is complete. Resident driveway access will be maintained.
Figure 1 – Lewis Drive, Medowie. General work areas