About the project

Port Stephens boasts a diverse range of ecosystems, and effective land management relies on comprehensive environmental data.

The Updated Koala Habitat Mapping project will create the most detailed Koala habitat map for Port Stephens ever prepared.

The current Port Stephens Koala habitat map was prepared over 20 years ago as part of Council’s Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (CKPoM).

Advancements in mapping technology and survey methods, alongside on-ground changes in habitat and Koala population extents has resulted in the current habitat mapping becoming outdated and in-need of an update.

Council has partnered with the NSW Koala Strategy, with funding provided by the state and federal governments, to prepare the detailed vegetation mapping alongside the updated Koala habitat mapping.

The updated Koala habitat mapping with be prepared in close collaboration with the state’s leading Koala scientists, and will be prepared based on Koala occupancy (determined by on-ground surveys) alongside detailed vegetation mapping.

Alongside the Koala habitat mapping, a detailed vegetation map will also be prepared, the first of its kind for the Port Stephens region, providing vital information to help inform land managers and developers, and assist in the identification of important vegetation and habitat for a range of species which call our region home.

Council will commence targeted Koala surveys at over 250 strategically selected locations across Port Stephens on a range of land ownership parcels, including some important locations identified on private land.

While participating in this very important work is voluntary, Council is encouraging landholders to get involved by providing access to their properties. This involves allowing an ecologist and a botanist to access a small part of your property to conduct a koala habitat survey.

We all play a role in ensuring Koalas remain in Port Stephens for future generations to enjoy, and by working together we can make a difference. If you would like to become one of Council's Koala Landholder partners please register your interest via our online form: https://forms.portstephens.nsw.gov.au/RunForm.aspx?formId=3069

Contact the project team by emailing project.koala@portstephens.nsw.gov.au


Council’s current Koala Plan of Management has been active in Port Stephens since 2002, and still needs to be considered during the preparation of any development applications on lands mapped as Koala habitat.

As part of the updated Koala habitat mapping project we are collecting updated Koala sightings and vegetation data. Where there are gaps in information we need to do on-ground surveys to collect this information, and your property has been identified as one of the locations to undertake this important work.

On private lands Council will utilise a specialist team of trained and qualified Koala detection dogs to sniff out Koala poo or live Koalas. The handlers will record the location of the Koala or Koala poo and use this information to inform the habitat map. The specialist dogs are highly trained working dogs and will not chase or interfere with any stock or other animals.

A field survey report including map, will be provided to all landowners who provide access for the surveys. Reporting will detail the findings of the Koala surveys, vegetation mapping information for the property and any other relevant ecological information found by the survey teams.

Please record all Koala sightings through the ‘I Spy Koala App’ or the NSW Government’s website: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/a63b9be6eaf343efbfa824c35f22c35f

Sign up to Council’s Koala Landholder Partnerships Program to get involved in Koala information and events, free feed tree giveaways and planting, habitat rehabilitation and more https://forms.portstephens.nsw.gov.au/RunForm.aspx?formId=3069