Please view all comments from each session of the housing forum below and feel free to add additional comments.
For each session please scroll further down the page.
This page will close at 5pm on Wednesday 22 November.
Session 1 - Housing Supply Q1
How is the housing crisis impacting you, your business and your community? (max 140 characters).
16 November, 2023
Francorner says:
Tha k you for the opportunity to attend the housing forum.
16 November, 2023
Fran corner says:
Housing issues need to be sorted so we can work on the goals of protecting what bushland we can.
10 November, 2023
Table4_MattL says:
Priority to uplift locations eg: Levy at Maitland, Derby (Tas) mountain biking key attraction and engaged a city, increase key events
10 November, 2023
Table_1_EmL says:
Housing stock for social housing are derelict - asbestos, grass growing through carpet etc
10 November, 2023
Table_7_Kate says:
Women with teenage sons can not leave a DV situation as there is no place in refuges for these families with these young men
10 November, 2023
Table_1_EmL says:
People are paying their mortgage or rent but aren't able to pay for food. Many people over 55 having homeslessness issues
10 November, 2023
Table_1_EmL says:
People cant even afford to rent a room let alone or house or dwelling - this includes someone on a pension.
10 November, 2023
Table3_Beth says:
Struggles to access government incentives and information to support developers in delivery affordable housing.
10 November, 2023
Table_7_Kate says:
Unsafe housing/homelessness/crime
Infrastructure / access issues
Workforce availability
Restrictive incentives to development
10 November, 2023
Table_1_EmL says:
Adult children with children are living with parent as income isn't sufficient to rent or buy and dont see this changing
10 November, 2023
Table4_MattL says:
Central key features are needed in locations such as RT to increase its appeal eg attractive parks for all ages/water parks etc
10 November, 2023
Table_8_Deb says:
In Shoal Bay people are living rough and there's no where for them to go. Wrap around support services needed for many experiencing homeless
Session 1 - Housing Supply Q2
What concerns do you have about the future of housing in Port Stephens? (max 140 characters).
22 November, 2023
Nigel says:
Lobby for State and Federal policy changes e.g. taxes and incentives, that are the only long term solution to the broken housing system.
22 November, 2023
Nigel says:
Push back against arbitrary targets - must consider the range of constraints that may necessarily limit supply
22 November, 2023
Nigel says:
Must avoid policy changes which only result in more dwellings of types which do not meet the real need - genuinely affordable rentals
22 November, 2023
Nigel says:
Must avoid relaxing planning controls in ways which do not result in greater diversity and affordability, which is the real problem
10 November, 2023
Table_7_Kate says:
Climate change and the available viable land for development or redevelopment
10 November, 2023
Table_7_Kate says:
We respond to the market in planning but need to plan more long term than the current market - 3O year view
10 November, 2023
Table3_Beth says:
Access to medium density housing, townhouses, units, apartments etc. It is needed.
10 November, 2023
Table_8_Deb says:
Identifying suitable land and getting everyone to work together and in agreement. (Tanilba Bay Golf Course).
10 November, 2023
Table2_Liz says:
Transport is a real issue. Newcastle is the refugee centre for NSW. Can see people moving around. More resources in other areas.
10 November, 2023
Table_5_Sarah says:
Lack of a "village" to support families, people living with disability, ageing people
10 November, 2023
Table_1_EmL says:
Potential decreases in rate revenue for Council with uncontrolled over 55's
10 November, 2023
Table2_Liz says:
Continual loss of key workers, we're on the way as the same as south coast.